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EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership
and action plan for a better knowledge, policy and funding of affordable housing in the European Union and its member states

The Housing Partnership’s objective was to contribute to creating better knowledge, and better legal and financial conditions for EU cities that need to invest in new and renewed affordable housing for their populations. The focus was on addressing affordable housing needs and aiding the supply of affordable housing, including public, social and municipal housing, affordable rental housing, affordable cooperative housing and affordable homeownership.


Dr. Orna Rosenfeld was invited by the Head of Competence Centre for Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development to advise the DG REGIO and the Housing Partnership Coordinators on the development of the Housing Partnership Action plan and the governance of the partnership. This fruitful collaboration extended for the whole duration of the Partnership. Dr. Rosenfeld provided an insight into the policy and initiatives of the EU in the field of housing, carried out mapping of the EU policies and regulations related to housing and in-depth examinations of selected EU regulations and laws related to housing, including the State Aid law, European Semester and Country Specific Recommendations, housing finance and more. She presented a case for expansion of data on housing at the EU level, especially data at regional and city levels. This suggestion was endorsed by a number of EU agencies, including JRC and ESPON, and reinforced as a message before new EU Parliament members in 2019. She advised on the partnership’s working method and developed a method for accessing EU UA Housing Partnership capacity to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, New Urban Agenda and Paris Agreement, which she was later invited to present to the Coordinators of all the EU Urban Agenda Partnerships.  


Dr. Rosenfeld was instrumental in supporting the Coordinators and delivering the Housing Partnership Action Plan. The Housing Partnership Action Plan presents a detailed account of the actions and recommendations examined and defined by the Housing Partnership during the three-year period. It shows its membership and governance, the links with its work and the European cross-cutting issues, and international commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement (COP21) and the New Urban Agenda. The action plan was endorsed by the member states without amendments in 2018. Explore the publications and reports Dr. Rosenfeld provided in support of this work bellow. 


The European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union launched the EU Urban Agenda in May 2016 with the Pact of Amsterdam. The EU Urban Agenda represents a new multi-level working method promoting cooperation between Member States, cities, the European Commission and other stakeholders in order to stimulate growth, liveability and innovation in the cities of Europe and to identify and successfully tackle social challenges. The Housing Partnership was one of first four partnerships established within the frame of the Urban Agenda. Its work focused on alleviating the effects of the global financial crisis which led to unprecedented housing need and increased challenges in accessing adequate and affordable housing.

Publications for the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership

European Commission

EU Urban Agenda
The Housing Partnership Action Plan

An action plan showcasing 12 actions essential for the advancement of affordable housing in 27 EU member states. 

European Commission

Briefing note: Interpreting the term ‘affordable housing’ in the Housing Partnership

This briefing note prepared for the DG REGIO and the Housing Partnership analyses the interpretation of the term ‘affordable housing’. 


European Commission

EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership links to international commitments 

A briefing paper exploring the links between the actions proposed by the EU Housing Partnership, Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda. 

European Commission

Analytical paper: The Housing Partnership working method

The paper provides an ethnographic analysis of the Housing Partnership’s work in real-time, in order to provide recommendations for improved governance and management. 


European Commission

Briefing note: European Semester and country-specific recommendations 

A briefing paper prepared for DG REGIO and the Housing Partnership providing an overview of the EU Semester and country-specific recommendations in relation to housing. 


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