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Dr. Orna Rosenfeld is the author of a number of scientific books and publications on diverse housing, urban and inclusion topics internationally. She regularly conducts and co-conducts advisory research, strategy and thought leadership studies for organizations around the world.  

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European Commission

Review of the contributions of the Urban Agenda for the EU to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda

A strategic assessment of the contribution of fourteen EU Urban Agenda Partnerships and their 132 actions to implementing the UN New Urban Agenda and SGD11.

Social Housing in the UNECE -

United Nations

Social Housing in the UN-ECE region: models, trends and challenges

Study of affordable housing in 56 countries in Europe, North America, Caucasus and Central Asia. 

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Transnational Press London

Developing the understanding of migrant integration in the EU

A book chapter exploring links between the integration and housing policies for immigrants in the European Union.  

Co-authored with Psoinos M.


Routledge Taylor & Francis

Governance of relocation: an examination of residential relocation processes in Housing Market Renewal areas in England 

An invited scientific paper based on Doctoral research for the special edition of the Housing Studies.


The World Bank & United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Informal settlements in countries with economies in transition in the UNECE region 

A report examining the nature and challenges of informal housing in 22 countries in Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia.

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European Commission

The Housing Partnership Action Plan

An action plan showcasing 12 actions essential for the advancement of affordable housing in 27 EU member states. 

EU Urban Agenda Links to international c

European Commission

EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership links to international commitments 

A briefing paper exploring the links between the actions proposed by the EU Housing Partnership, Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda. 


Italianieuropei &

Foundation for European Progressive Studies 

Local political strategies for Housing Refugees in Bradford and Sheffield 

A book chapter examining the governance of housing migrants in the United Kingdom.

Co-authored with Allen J.

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European Union

Region Hauts-de-France

UIA Third Call: policy trends from the proposals under the topic of housing

A report summarizing best practice proposals for the award of the EU Urban Innovative Actions. 

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United Nations

Habitat III Regional Report for the UN-ECE region

A report bringing vital evidence on housing and urban development in 56 countries to Habitat III policy development. Contributed to chapter IV ‘Urbanization and social equality’.


Routledge Taylor & Francis

Habitat III Toward a New Urban Agenda

A scientific paper presenting and discussing evidence from 56 countries that proved essential to designing the UN-New Urban Agenda. Co-authored with Evans B.


BarcelonaTech the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Race, Space and Place: lessons from Sheffield

A scientific examination of governance of housing migrants at the local level. Co-authored with Allen J. & Okoro T.

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Forum Internazionale

Ed Europeo Ricerche Sull'Immigrazione

Social housing policies and ethnic minorities in the UK: developing an ethnically sensitive approach

A book chapter featuring scientific research covering over 15 case studies from the UK.

Co-authored with Allen J. 


Follow the link to Google Scholar bellow for an extended list of books, scientific and advisory publications, reports, briefing and strategy papers.


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